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Match Records is a multi-genre, student-run record label services company that provides hands-on, real-world experience to students in the Recording Industry Department of MTSU’s College of Media and Entertainment. The Match Records team assists student-artists with marketing, branding, publicizing, promoting and distributing their recorded music through various local and national outlets. The skills learned and the experiences gained are essential training for students interested in a career in the recording industry – on either side of the mic.


In 2004, the Nashville Business Journal announced that MTSU’s Recording Industry department had launched Scared Rabbit Records. According to the article, the label will act as a “full-service operation, providing marketing, promotion, recording, release and distribution for its artists.” A 2006 article in the Exposure, a predecessor to Sidelines (MTSU’s digital news outlet), detailed the upcoming RockU showcase hosted by the label and featuring several student-artists. Around 2009, the name of the label was changed from Scared Rabbit Records to MT Records, and a few years later it was changed again to Match Records. A community online news source, Murfreesboro Pulse, profiled the label in 2016. After a short period of dormancy, Match Records was relaunched in 2019 with MTSU Professor Amy Macy at the helm. In 2020, Assistant Professor Denise Shackelford stepped into the role of faculty advisor, with Assistant Professor Bess Rogers joining as co-advisor in 2023 when Match Records became a student organization. Click on the logos to read the articles mentioned here.

Match Records is a student-operated record label at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN.

© 2024 Match Records. 

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